What is IME ?
IME means international money express .
Where we can send money one to another place easily.
We can use wallet to send money to each other it is easy way now this world.IME now on our smart phone.Now new service with IMEPAY mobile apps.
What is IMEPAY ?
it is digital wallet mobile application which is easily use in new genetation . through this digital wallet you can send and recive money easily through online transfor. It is use for online money payment for daily use needs and things. It got licsened by NRB , nepal rastra bank and powered by IME remit , IME pay is leading now biggest payment getway in nepal. it is also popular and famous.
This application feathers are money transfer and add money in your wallet.
How to install on your smart phone ?
Go to play store and download it through inter net.
How to dign up ? or login ?
after install application ope IME Pay and there will come add your mobile number.
And there will come verification code inter there in blank space.
You can use emaid id
Main facilities are linked bank , E-banking
connect IPS , etc .
If you want to top up in your mobile you will get 5% cash back on your wallet .there are also more things to do.You can order or payment bill which you want and get cash back on your wallet and earn money.
Earn money using your reffaral code.