How to apporove google adsense fast in 2021.
Hello today I'm going to say how to easily apporove your google adsense easily winthin 1 or 2 month. If you work hard you can esaily approve your adsense account. I have just approve my adsense account. Now you can also do it if you fallow my step.
1.Creat a blog which you want.
2. write maximum 30 content with picture.
3. Make a page About us
contact us
privacy policy
Disclamar page
Connect your blogg with many socialmedia.
like facebook. twitter, instagram etc. also make viewers.
4. mobile or destop friendly theme.
5. put your blogg in google web master.
7.Connect your blogg with google analytic.
8. At last creat acvount for google adsense than apply.
9. you will get success .